Our Missionary Pastor Kwenda Kwenda pours out his heart:

“Our gratitude goes to all our supporting partners, especially for the prayers. When you consistently remember us in prayer the Lord does great wonders.

The process of Church planting and establishing it requires not just hard toil on the field, but also material resources and prayer. While we here have been toiling hard on the missionary field, you also have been out there also toiling to ensure we are viable. You have done a great job because we have always been amply supplied.

I, just as many other missionaries worldwide, work in an area which in missions is called hard ground. However, the spiritual sacrifices in intercession to the Father for the work here in Choma, what seems hard ground becomes soft ground and we who are frail creatures of dust, somehow become equal to the task in the Masters’s hand.

We thank the Lord for intervening in our leadership wrangles in the recent past that saw our evangelistic zeal and participation waned to their lowest. Thank you to KBC elders who would not rest until the issue was resolved. In this respect, we are looking forward to 2020 with renewed vigor in bringing in the sheaves.

Our planned activities this coming year is to put more emphasis on reaching out to students in various tertiary learning institution in Choma. We are also planning to reach out to children through our children’s ministry, We are thinking and planning to have vacation bible holiday and a children’s rally. Pray for good attendance, fruit and for resources to be available.

My last word is this: while we are in missions work, we are like marines who dive deep into the waters to save the dying men and women and to you, our partners hold tightly the rope which is round our waist. We fight together. We win together. Keep up the good work. God bless you and may the God of glory supply all your needs in Christ Jesus.”