The Lord has, indeed, been most gracious to us through you, our faithful supporting partners. This is indeed Amazing Grace! The great help from you is a clear message of practical Biblical love at work. It is on account of your faithful and sacrificial giving that we are able to spread the Gospel to the lost.

What can I say as the year 2019 comes to an end? God’s Providence has been so evident here in Monze. Our Membership and Church attendance have improved and some Ministries, namely the Women’s and Sunday School, have begun functioning. This is to us a sign of great hope that we are progressing well to being an established Reformed Baptist Church in our Province.

As this year comes to an end, we look back and see something of our evangelistic impact around us. (Allow us to blow our own trumpet just for your encouragement!) The ERBC awareness in our community tells of our fruitful presence and your faithful support in this town. We have, by God’s grace, labored to reach out to people through soccer, door to door Evangelism and through our guest Sunday Services whose responses always warmed our hearts. It so happened that some visitors resolved to be reformed and be part of the membership.

We remain thankful to all who are, in a special way, making our rugged path smooth through the provision of resources. We are in constant prayers that our lord enriches you and your families spiritually and physically.

We now have a Church Plot and our great need is to have resources available for construction of a permanent sanctuary instead of a rented facility where we are presently worshipping from.

We now, full of hope and prayerful hearts, look forward to the year 2020 as another amazing year of continued fruitful relationships and faithful support for the work of Christ in Monze.

In addition to the many blessings, the Lord has so far this year given us sufficient rains and our land looks green. It is our sincere hope that we may have a bumper harvest of food and souls. We have put our trust in the Lord even during the past droughts that affected our Town; we will praise Him, even more, this year.

Grace and Peace