Kabwata Baptist Church

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Chair: Mwansa Mbewe

Occupation: Architect

Vice Chair: Richard Kashila

Occupation: Broadcast Engineer

Objectives of the ministry

This ministry is primarily a platform for the messages of the pulpit ministry of Kabwata Baptist Church to the world at large. The secondary objective is to assist the other ministries within the church with their outreach methods through quality digital, audio and print media

Plans for the year 2020:

Capacity creation for increased digital, audio and print media outreach to the Zambian public and the world at large

Departments and its leaders

RECORDING AND PRODUCTION : Headed by Emmanuel Mkandawire
The aim of this department is to make sure the messages from the pulpit ministry are recorded and properly catalogued for production purposes as well as making sure that all the recorded sermons and events are ready for use on the different platforms
MARKETING AND FINANCE: Headed by Patience Mitutu
This department is responsible for getting the message out to the people concerning the multitude of platforms on which to find the messages from the church
INTERNET AND SOCIAL MEDIA : Headed by Jessie Himunyanga
This department manages the communications between the church and the world at large through the different internet platforms
MAINTENANCE: Headed by Donald Zulu
This department is responsible for the safety of the ministry equipment and facilities

Chair: Jonathan Nthani

Occupation: Student

Vice Chair: N/A


Objectives of the ministry

To labour for the spiritual conversion of unbelieving young people within the Church and the surrounding community and to provide a place for fellowship among believing young people within the Church and the surrounding community.

Plans for the year 2020 :

– Hold our annual Youth Rally
– Complete our journey through the books of the Bible
– Find and exploit new opportunities for outreach

Departments and its leaders

PROGRAM: Headed by Lusungu Chirwa. This department organizes the program for ordinary youth meetings each Saturday.
OUTREACH: Headed by Oscar Mumba. This department plans and coordinates all our outreach activities.
FELLOWSHIP AND PRAYER: Headed by Taonga Nachalwe: This department works to facilitate fellowship during and beyond youth meetings, as well as co-ordinates times of prayer for the Ministry as a whole and the Committee in particular.
PUBLICITY: Headed by Oscar Mumba. This department handles all announcements regarding our meetings and spearheads publicity campaigns for upcoming Ministry events.

Chair: Mubanga Mutale

Occupation: Biomedical Scientist

Vice Chair: Edward Chata

Occupation:Laboratory Technologist

Objectives of the ministry

To glorify God and spread the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ through music. We as a ministry endeavor to balance the beauty of Christian music as an art and as a medium for gospel ministry. We play a major role in helping the church in congregational singing and we organize regular Christian music concerts for the purpose of sharing the gospel and blessing God’s people.

Plans for the year 2020 :

-Minister in at least two KBC Church plant stations
-Sing at the annual KBC Missions Conference
-Hold our annual evangelistic Easter and Christmas Concerts
-Minister at the Zambia annual Reformed Family Conference
-Partner with Campus Outreach to visit and minister at least 3 universities/colleges
-Work on our next musical album

Departments and its leaders

SECRETARIATE: Headed by Ketty Mwila. Keeps records of minutes of meetings and rehearsal proceedings. Responsible for keeping the Ministry members up to date with pertinent announcements.
TREASURY: Headed by Cynthia Mubanga and Lewis Mumba. Are responsible for overseeing the financial affairs of the Ministry, including managing the cash flow.
MUSIC DIRECTOR: Headed by Chishiba Chibuta (Assisted by Taonga Kanganja and Agness Mutale). Responsible for arranging and directing the choir on vocals and music. In charge of leading rehearsals and overseeing the selection of songs.
SOUND ENGINEERING: Headed by Lewis Mumba. In charge of coordinating with the Media Ministry to ensure that the sound equipment is set up and well-balanced for every singing engagement.
WARDROBE: Headed by Ruth Jalira Ngwira. Responsible for coordinating and communicating wardrobe selections for each event.

Chair: Zuba Mwanza

Occupation: Environmental and Energy Specialist

Vice Chair: Thokozani Tembo

Occupation:IT Specialist

Objectives of the ministry

Ultimately, we hope to reach children with the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, and be a means through which young lives can be transformed.
Therefore, we try to be Biblical, practical, relevant and inclusive in the development and delivery of all our lessons, as well as our other outreach activities.

Plans for the year 2020 :

Reach more children outside the Baptist circles.
– Create more Bible Clubs
– Hold more inter-church activities
– Have a VBS program primarily for our Bible Clubs

Departments and its leaders

SUNDAY SCHOOL: Headed by Mrs Matafwali, it’s essentially a team of dedicated Sunday School teachers who teach Biblical lessons to children between 3 and 12, every Sunday morning. It’s the biggest and busiest of all our departments, and therefore requires the utmost levels of commitment.
BIBLE CLUBS: Headed by Mrs. Makayi, it is a department of the children’s ministry tasked with organizing and conducting Bible lessons with children within close proximity to the KBC Cell groups.
CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT: Headed by Mrs. Kaunda, this is a very small team of people tasked with the development and timely review of our curriculum, for both Sunday School classes and Bible Clubs.
PUBLICITY: Headed by Celina and Khoza, this is the team that the aspect of disseminating information regarding upcoming events, as well as what we’re currently up to, both among ministry members and those outside. Part of this entails running and updating the ministry’s Facebook page.

FINANCE AND LOGISTICS: Headed by Mr. Wilson Chisha, the unit handles the management of all financial transactions in the course of our operations as a ministry, as well as the procurement of teaching resources and general stationery requirements, including their proper storage.

Chair: Chonde Chiluba

Occupation: Architect

Vice Chair: Bupe Mukuka

Occupation: Accountant

Objectives of the ministry

This Ministry is the work of Kabwata Baptist Church and our aim to use the printed page to spread God-glorifying and Christ-centred literature across Zambia and beyond. This is our response to the Great Commission of serving God by bringing the gospel to the lost people through literature. This is important because there is not much that is written here in Zambia. It is also for sharing knowledge and truth to believers in order for them to be built up, well grounded and encouraged.

Plans for the year 2020 :

Our focus for 2020 will be selling most of the books authored by Pastor Mbewe that we printed over the previous years as well as books and bibles donated to us by our partners. Printing of Reformation Zambia Magazines is an ongoing activity and we have prioritised the recovery of debt from our debtors.

Departments and its leaders

EDITORIAL AND PRINTING: Headed by Pastor Francis Kaunda:
This department is responsible for editing, typesetting and printing all of our materials.
STORAGE AND STOCKS: Headed  by Ms. Kalumbu Kadochi and Mrs. Doreen Chelelwa :
Responsible for keeping our stock and issuing out stock that is required for distribution.
SALES AND MARKETING: Headed  by Chonde Chiluba and Evans Lubansa :
responsible for marketing and selling of books and Magazines respectively.
FINANCE: Headed by Bupe Mukuka:
responsible for ensuring that we meet obligations from our creditors and drawing up our operating budget.
REVENUE: Headed by Pastor Francis Kaunda (acting until the position is filled)
responsible for ensuring that all our debtors meet their obligations with ourselves.

Chair: Emmanuel Matafwali

Occupation: Accountant

Vice Chair: Gift Kapande

Occupation: Investments Advisor

Objectives of the ministry

We organise conferences and Seminars on topical issues to enrich the lives of believers and also share the hope that found in Jesus Christ alone.

Plans for the year 2020 :

– Business Seminar, Heroes of the Faith Day, Annual Reformed Conferences and Day of Special Studies

Departments and its leaders

Mainza Chisha and Gift Kapande – Finance

Jalira Ngwira and Henry Chibutu – Advertising and Publicity,

Emelda Banda and Mwila Chibutu – Catering,

Wilson Chisha and Maluba Mambo – Logistics

Chair: William Mupotola

Occupation: Student

Vice Chair: N/A


Objectives of the ministry

To reach the world with the gospel and to edify the Saints through literature.

Plans for the year 2020 :

-Acquire a computer and develop a digital catalogue accessible to all our members. To stock new books in areas we are currently lacking like Children’s and women’s sections.
-To create partnerships with Lusaka Baptist Church and the Historical Baptist Society for exchange of both experience and materials.
And also with patrons who may be willing to donate books.
-We plan to be more visible to our potential users by exhibiting our various collections at various church activities and commanding more online presence.

Departments and its leaders

FINANCE: Headed by Mrs. Muhau Silowa. This department is in charge of planning, organizing, directing and controlling the financial activities of the ministry.
PUBLICITY: Headed by Mwamba Chilufya. The goal of this department is to ensure that the library is visible enough to raise public interest. And promote all it’s activities both online and otherwise.
ARCHIVES: Headed by Ketty Mwila. This department is responsible for stocking the library and ensuring that the historical records, periodicals and all special event are documented with corresponding photos.
PARTNERSHIPS: Headed by Jonathan Nthani. This department is responsible for finding opportunities for the ministry to partner with other ministries, churches, organisations and/or persons.

Chair: Khuzwayo Tembo

Occupation: Civil & Environmental Engineer

Vice Chair: Mubanga Mwenya

Occupation: Management Accountant

Objectives of the ministry

To take advantage of opportunities to reach different social groups within Lusaka, in age group between 21 and 35 Years, with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Plans for the year 2020 :

To take advantage of opportunities to reach different social groups within Lusaka, in age group between 21 and 35 Years, with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Departments and its leaders

PUBLICITY: Headed by Ceswa Joseph Mpandamabula. To publicize the events and activities of the group both within the ministry and externally.
MISSIONS and EVANGELISM: Headed by Mwansa Mbewe. To co-ordinate and facilitate the evangelism and mission activities of the ministry. To inculcate a mindset of missions in ministry members through engagement in mission trips and with missionaries
FELLOWSHIP & SOCIAL EVENTS: Headed by Jessie Himunyanga. -To act as a point of reference for church visitors in the Senior YP target group to the ministry and facilitate activities within the ministry. To co-ordinate follow up of ministry members by the committee members. Provides a platform through social events to facilitate interaction among ministry members.
BOOK REVIEW & PRAYER Headed by Taona Daka. To organise, co-ordinate and facilitate prayer meetings and implement activities that develop a reading culture.

Chair: Pastor Chipita Sibale

Occupation: Pastor

Vice Chair: Tembo Thokozani

Occupation: IT Specialist

Objectives of the ministry

To reach out to the preteens and early teens with the gospel of Christ and building them in sound doctrine mainly at Kabwata Baptist church and beyond.

Plans for the year 2020 :

– doing studies in the book of proverbs.
– doing studies in the shorter catechism.
– To be doing quarterly news letters for the purpose of soliciting prayers for partners.

Departments and its leaders

LOGISTICS: Headed by MacArthur Mudenda. Provide Efficient logistical support to all ministry activities. i.e. the annual Youth camp
SOCIAL MEDIA: Headed by Thokozani Tembo and Gilbert Mulubwa. To make sure that our social media accounts are updated and well managed.

Chair: Pastor Ronald Kalifungwa

Occupation: Minister of the Gospel

Vice Chair: N/A


Objectives of the ministry

To recruit men from compound churches and ministries whose theology and doctrine is questionable by correcting this through teaching with the view of having these students go back and establish sound biblical churches based on sound teaching by the time they graduate and thereafter.

Plans for the year 2020 :

-To strengthen the already existing training programs and recruitment strategies both at Lusaka and Mongu so as to realize the course benefits on new students and enroll more students.
-Renew training programs in Ethiopia.
-Establish new partnerships both at local level and international level as well as assist in the training of church leaders in South Sudan.
-Develop options that focus at self sustainably for the college.
-Develop enhanced advertising strategy with a goal to publicize the college and the LMC colleges known and become a theological training center of choice.

Departments and its leaders

PRINCIPAL- Head of the College and Supervisor and providing leadership/vision.
ACADEMINC DEAN – To look into the academic needs of the students, asses their performance and develop and recommend courses, as well as plan the training calendar.
DEAN of STUDENTS – To look into the affairs of the students, both in relation to character development and morals. This include students chapels, discipline and counseling.
REGISTRAR – To scrutinize college applicants and ass their eligibility for theology training. also recommend these after a successful training life for graduation.

Chair: Golden Makayi

Occupation: Civil Engineer

Vice Chair: N/A


Objectives of the ministry

To minister the gospel to couples

Plans for the year 2020 :

Host Seminars, Evangelist Gym sessions, Special Marriage Enrichment Evening Service and conduct follow ups with various couples who are friends of the Ministry.

Departments and its leaders

SECRETARIATE: Headed by Mr. & Mrs. Elliott and Milika Munsanje. This department is responsible for taking minutes of meetings, attendance list and updating the Ministry’s database.
TREASURER: Headed by Mr. & Mrs. Alexander and Phyllis Kabamba and assisted by Mr. & Mrs. Wilson and Mainza Chisha. Responsible for developing the Ministry’s Annual Work Plan and Budget, prepares budgets for activities to be undertaken by the Ministry.
COORDINATOR: Headed by Mr. Michael & Doreen Chelelwa and assisted by Mr. & Mrs. Solomon and Kunda Ching’ambu. Responsible for coordinating events of the Ministry. Circulates the database for follow ups.
PUBLICITY: Headed by Mr & Mrs. Mutale and Cynthia Mubanga. Responsible for the publicity of the Ministry and it’s events and activities.

Chair: Mwaba Silowa

Occupation: Accountant

Vice Chair: Tuseko Sindano

Occupation: Accountant

Objectives of the ministry

– To reach all women from all walks of life with the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and; – to show love to fellow Christians especially church members

Plans for the year 2020 :

-Host the Midlands Reformed women’s rally;

– visit at least to mission stations for outreach

– host new (women) church members & regular visitors to a meal, to explain the Ministry

– conduct at least one pre teen class per

– explore additional ways of raising resources

Departments and its leaders

EVANGELISM: headed by Mrs A. Filakati, Coordinates all ministry evangelistic activities

SPECIAL NEEDS: headed by Mrs C.Mwenya, Coordinates all ministry Christian service (works of mercy) to church members

INTERACTIVE: headed by Mrs. K. Chisola, coordinates fellowship among women in the church and sister churches, coordinates prayer meetings, markets the Ministry and coordinates mentorship program

DOMESTIC headed by Mrs M. Nyongola, coordinates and ensures the cleaning of the sanctuary and it’s surrounding

FUNDRAISING headed by Mrs A. Sichalwe, mobiles and accounts for ministry financial resources

Chair: Philemon Lungu

Occupation: Information Technologist

Vice Chair: Wilson Chisha


Objectives of the ministry

To minister the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ to people in events that are public in nature. To see people repenting of their sins and puting there faith and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ as the only way of obtaining salvation.

Plans for the year 2020 :

To participate in the two graduations, Inter-company Relay, agricultural Show. To give out about 10,000 Christian literature worth K 600,000.

Departments and its leaders

FINANCE: headed by Kasuba, manages financial issues of the ministry, Events LOGISTICS: headed by Mr. Mumbi, this department leads in the organisation of events and logistics like transport, setting of things up at a specific place of event etc,

LITERATURE: headed by William, this department make sure that literature are available at all times of events for issuing out.

Chair: Elliot Sichalwe

Occupation: Business Man

Vice Chair: Peggy Mlewa

Occupation: Broadcast Engineer

Objectives of the ministry

Hope ministry is a ministry that joyfully shares the gospel and gives hope to people particularly in prisons, hospitals, orphanages, and transient homes (Chilenje). Our primary objective is to win many souls for Our lord and savior Jesus Christ, empower families with survival skills and provide food for children and families with the support from child hunger fund (CHF).

Plans for the year 2020 :
  • Every Sunday visit and preach at Chilenje transient home
  • Under CHF partnership, once every monthly visit the mercy sites (John Lang, Kabanana Faith Baptist, Chisomo Baptist and Grace Baptist in Kapiri Mposhi, and Monze) for food distribution and evangelism
  • Visit Chamba valley Baptist church in June
  • Visit UTH Cancer Diseases hospital in July
  • Visit Chinama prisons in August
  • Visit Kabanana mercy site in September
  • Visit John Lang in October
  • Visit UTH mothers’ shelter November
Departments and its leaders

SECRETARIAT: Headed by Etambuyu Imasiku, record and keep documented activities, reports and minutes of the ministry’s meetings and to inform member of ministry of intended meetings and circulate agenda to members prior to or on the day of meeting.

OUTREACH COORDINATOR: Vacant, organize outreach on behalf of ministry, to keep relevant support departments informed in advance of intended outreach to enable them source material and literature for the occasion, to keep track of people ministered to for follow up purposes, to give quarterly reports.

MATERIAL SUPPORT COORDINATOR : Headed by Cleopus Chiseko, to organize material support for outreach, to liaise with outreach point for requirements, to keep stock of material support rendered during the year and to give quarterly reports.

COUNSELING COORDINATOR: Vacant, to assess and provide counseling in areas recognized as a result of outreach visit or during Sunday services, to assign people to attend to various counseling needs and give quarterly repots

LITERATURE AND MEDIA COORDINATOR : Headed by Mpanji Siwingwa and Patience Mitutu. To source for and provide appropriate literature for use in outreach or training, to keep record of ministry activities in form of pictures and video recordings for postage on the ministry’s webpage, and give quarterly reports

TREASURER : Headed by Andrew Goma, to receive and keep record of monthly members subscription, to keep record of income and expenditure of the ministry, and give quarterly financial reports

PARTNERSHIP COORDINATOR : Vacant, to look for partners (internal and external) who have a heart for or are engaged in mercy ministry, to ensure partners are informed of the activities of the ministry through quarterly news letters, to liaise with the media team and post activities on the webpage for the benefit of partners and the General KBC Membership and give quarterly reports