When Jesus called Himself the Son of Man, He was letting everyone know that He was the hero that had come to crush the spiritual beast which makes humans sin. He was letting the world know that He was…
The lesson drawn from Proverbs 15:3 shows us that: 1. the Lord sees all things; the bad things done and He is not happy; the good deeds, and he’s only happy with the good deeds done by Christians (Isaiah…
The lesson shows us that God is righteous by referring to Luke 5:1 – 11 when the Lord Jesus made Simon Peter and other fishermen, fishers of men. The lesson teaches us that God is righteous because He does…
God is the Ancient of Days. We see this from our text Daniel 7: 9. God is from everlasting to everlasting, meaning He is eternal. He is in charge of time and unchanged by time. Sometimes lots of bad…
God is the Lord of light. The lesson shows us that God is the Lord of light and in Him there is no darkness at all. Our bible text from 1 John 1:5-6 tells us that if we claim…
God is our Healer. The lesson shows us that God is our healer by referring to Exodus 15:16-22 when Moses and the Israelites parted from the Red Sea and came to a place called Marah where the water was…
John 1:1-2 God with us. The lesson tells us that “God with us” whose characteristics include the fact that “He is everywhere” Psalm 139:8-12, has been in existence before the world began. The lesson also tells that God created…